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WSP Australia

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Training & Personal Development at WSP Australia

7.6 rating for Training, based on 140 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Graduate training sessions ongoing. 1.5day grad induction was valuable
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
The training I have gone through so far has been very useful and specific to my work. I have particularly done some training on basic knowledge about site investigations, First Aid and CPR.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Consistent, relevant and engaging training. Fun graduate events between teams.
Graduate, Brisbane - 28 Aug 2024
Lots of training available, some more useful and engaging than others. Graduate programme being mainly online based is not ideal.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Aug 2024
There wasn't any formal training programme for role-specific tasks. Members of the team mentored me through my first few projects.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Aug 2024
The company has its own training portal which has on-demand recordings to watch at your own pace. Other than that, the graduate programme offers rotations every 6 months, and within each rotation there are formal technical competency requirements and training sessions. I have learned software such as Autodesk Infraworks, Civil3D, AutoCAD, etc. while working here so far.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Aug 2024
Internal online training, workshops run by internally, external workshops
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Aug 2024
We have very little professional training, just more learning form peers in that aspect. WSP does have a 2 year programme for all newer employees that go through non-discipline related work.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Aug 2024
these programmes should be compulsary to counteract the lack of uptake caused by pressures for billable work and field work demands
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
Constant training
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
Had some in-person training for field work, which was great. A lot of online training at the start, which was a bit dry but necessary. Most of the skills I have picked up on the job.
Graduate, Perth - 15 Aug 2024
Not much formal technical training. Informal training is provided by people you work with, normally very good
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
Graduate programme helps grow as a new full time employee, technical training is provided on all levels ie from upper management to fellow graduates. Have learnt a wide variety of technical aspects of the job and how to apply critical thinking as well as learning how to use various tools and applications relative to my job
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Aug 2024
Before being bought out by WSP, the Calibre graduate programme had us meeting lead employees from different areas amongst the company (human resources, legal, environmental, engineering, etc.) in lunch & learns which were enjoyable - however there weren't many other opportunities outside of these unfortunately, aside from the generic virtual WHS questionnaires . Then after the merge WSP's graduate programme has us meet every four weeks or so and are open and interactive, discussing important topics and giving real life examples of scenarios graduates may face I.e. discussing promotions, retaining mental wellbeing in the office, etc.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
I have had sessions for the graduate programme, which have been in person and online and I was able to travel interstate. I was also a part of the bootcamp where I was able to have on the job training in person for fieldwork (soil and water sampling and geotechnical procedures). I have also had online and in person training in my own state office and on the job training in the field. I have been able to learn lots of new techniques and skills and I'm still learning. Including, soil sampling, water sampling, air vapour, identifying asbestos/ACM, esdat and gint data logging, technical reporting techniques etc.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
The company has a platform where different courses are available for people in the company to work on. I had the opportunity to learn a lot about self-development, on the job training, being on a mine site, opportunities to speak to the client directly.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
We monthly have many times of graduate's programme meetings with some well-being practices and mental health which are perfect, but in our team, there is hardly times of training for graduates to learn the new software or more knowledge for the new structures and standards. If graduates have chance to take that course or meetings with the new technologies or software training, that will so much helpful to improve and develop more quickly.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
The Graduate Program helps you to understand the way the company runs, and how to act in certain situations that you find yourself in (how to ask for feedback, manage stress, etc.) The training within my team is highly effective, and there is little expectation on prior knowledge as a graduate. You are able to learn anything, and they spend the time to make sure you know what you are doing. I have had opportunities to work with multiple different software packages and learn critical skills in specialized areas, that are based on my interests.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
I've been mentored once by a principal senior engineer and was thankful for the chance. She is really nice and wouldn't make me feel that I am dumb. She guided me in every step of the process and I really learned a lot from her.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
training has bene pretty standard, the learning and development team are really nice and make it really clear you can reach out to them whenever
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Aug 2024