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WSP Australia

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Application Process & Interviews at WSP Australia

8.2 rating for Recruitment, based on 136 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Standard relative to competitors
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
The interview was very engaging with an exchange of expectations from both sides. The assessments were also very well-structured.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Same as other tier 1 firms
Graduate, Brisbane - 28 Aug 2024
Online portion was similar to competing firms with many psychometric testing and video interviews having to be done in order to be considered. Not fun but not much choice to not do either.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Aug 2024
From an undergraduate perspective, it was my first and only interview for the engineering industry. It was professional and it was during covid restrictions, so the team manager and another senior were accommodating to host it virtually via Teams.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Aug 2024
Online application, one way interview, online test, in person interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
The company will usually promote vacancies or opportunities via professional networking outlets such as LinkedIn or their own website. After applications, there is a short waiting period before you hear anything back (typically a few weeks to months). Afterwards, you get invited to an online assessment link. This is where your mathematical, psychological, social, etc. skills are tested. If you pass the online assessments, you get an invitation to do a recorded video interview where you answer a few questions while being recorded. If you pass, you move on to the next stage which is an invitation to face-to-face interview with your hiring team lead/manager and some team members. If you pass the final interview, you get notified and get offered a contract from the company. It is a long and tedious process, and very competitive.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Aug 2024
I am not confident that the graduate recruitment process is very inclusive and considers people with disabilities that may prevent them from the opportunity of an in-person interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Aug 2024
Very standard phone interview followed by an in person interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Aug 2024
Straightforward and standard. Pre interview screening and interview. Was offered role in interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Aug 2024
Could take a while
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
Applied online, had interview and assessment. Had some issues with relocation.
Graduate, Perth - 15 Aug 2024
Was part of an acquisition so had a different interview process
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Aug 2024
I was referred by a colleague when applying for the job. From memory I was interviewed by line manager and HR representative.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
The interview process was great. I was contacted by phone, then organized the final details and psychometric testing which led to the interview. The process was quick and easy and organized with plenty of time to prepare for the interview stage.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Straight forward, apply for a role, answer a questionnaire, upload a video, get to the interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Video interview and individual interview from the leader of my team, which is the relax and good conversation during the interview.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
My hiring process felt very long and drawn out. Not sure if this is uncommon or not.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
I did not get hired through the normal recruitment process, but my understanding is that the interview and recruitment process is very thorough.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Back in Manila office, I was hired in a day. I started the application process online, the HR did a phone interview, and I was asked to come to office the following week for a same day hiring event. I ended up landing on the graduate engineer role.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Experience and skills -related questions
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Some hypothetical questions and specific questions about my skills and previous experience.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Why do you want to work here... When were you in a situation where you had a deadline and how did you manage it?
Graduate, Brisbane - 28 Aug 2024
In person interview was better for having a more natural conversation compared to online calls. Interview did not focus on technical engineering knowledge.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Aug 2024
What does AEP stand for?
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Aug 2024
what uni work/experience I have that is applicable. Some personal questions, hobbies etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
My interview felt quite informal and more like conversation with friends.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Aug 2024
Can't remember.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Aug 2024
Asked about my qualifications, experience, skills.
Graduate, Perth - 15 Aug 2024
Nothing really technical, mostly just chatting to get to know each other.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
As above
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Aug 2024
Again from memory: What do you want to achieve from this job opportunity? Which types of software have you use previously? What could you see yourself doing within the company?
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
It was based on my previous experience, what qualifications I had and related to my university degrees. What led to me applying for the role and why I wanted to be a part of the team. A few quiz questions based on situations I have been in or if I was to be in a certain situation. It covered the whole lot really.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
How would I handle conflict? Salary expectations? Example of thinking on your feet?
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
General question and some technical questions which is not hard but available in my university studies.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
I cant remember
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
My interview there was less of an emphasis on my technical skills, and more of an emphasis on who I was as a person, my hobbies, passions and about me as a person. This could be due to my CV and my academic record being very good, or just the typical interview process once people pass the screenings
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Phone interview is typical HR questions about introduction of myself, knowledge of my degree, what I experienced in my university, my capabilities on working in a group setting or alone, and my strengths and weaknesses.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
all the standard questions, but I do remember them asking if a uni lecturer/tutor ever asked for something unreasonable.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Aug 2024
Interview questions were behavioural and a bit on yourself and how you align with the WSP values. - how to promote diversity? how to promote a welcoming office? how do you manage large workloads? - hobbies? - who you are?
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Speak honestly to your experience and skill set
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Take it easy and maintain a good mental condition.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Read through your company's websites about project and service experience and expertise, have a look through your interviewers LInkedIn profile.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Aug 2024
have a well-written resume & cv. Be personable at the interview. Be enthusiastic and thoughful with your video responses.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
Be very confident in your abilities, and make sure you can sell yourself properly. Everyone applying (including yourself) is probably talented education-wise, but what will make you stand out is your ability to sell your personality and outshine your competition.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Aug 2024
Do you research about WSP and projects you are interested in and would like to know more about, ask questions about the role. Consider how your past experience will make you suitable for the job.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Aug 2024
Be confident, be yourself, be honest
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Aug 2024
Ensure you have sufficient tech literacy and communication skills - start learning some basic software skills such as creating spreadsheets and navigating 2D & 3D software. Always express willingness to learn.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
I would recommend first having a look online at the company's website and gain background knowledge on who you are applying to work for and gaining an understanding on what they do. Go over scenarios where you may be asked questions about certain topics or make a cheat sheet, or just like university when preparing for an exam.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Confidence in yourself and your abilities is key to any interview. Ask questions the more questions you ask at the interview the better. Negotiate a good starting base salary.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Maybe is that possible to guide graduates what we need to achieve the goal, that will have some promotion like increasing the salaries and position ?
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
Be honest, don't over sell.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
Be yourself. by having an interview, you have at least partially proven your technical skills, and the interview serves as a way for your interviewer/s to see how you are as a person, and if you will be a good fit for the company.
Graduate, Adelaide - 14 Aug 2024
I trust that being completely honest works best. Communication is key so be well prepared and make sure you answer confidently so they will remember you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
have a good attitude, know your strengths and weaknesses and how they relate to your workstyle and personality. My interviewer liked that I was aware of when I am most efficient and able to focus in a day (in the morning) and that I structured my uni workload by this.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Aug 2024
I would recommend going through the website and tailor some of your answers to the company values. Be authentic, the interviewers are human afterall. Behavioural questions are found online, have answers thought out for the top 10 question found on google, and you should be prepared.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
Research the company and the team you are applying for,before the interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
Just be yourself
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Aug 2024
Research about the company because it's a standard question to ask. Just act confident, friendly, and someone that the interviewer would want to work with
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Aug 2024
Nothing in particular, being yourself always helps
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Aug 2024