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Hannah Petrie

My current graduate rotation is quite unique in allowing me to support numerous projects across Australia and New Zealand!

6.30 AM 

My alarm goes off for the final time, and I begin to get myself ready for the day ahead.

7.00 AM 

I begin my drive to the station, listening to my favorite podcast on my journey to work.

8.00 AM 

I head into the office, grabbing my favorite coffee, an almond mocha, from the café across the street on my way in, to give me an energy boost to start my day. 
Once in the office, I login to my computer and book my desk for the day. The beauty of hot desking is that you can sit wherever you like!

9.00 AM 

By 9.00 am, I’ve checked my emails and team messages, responded to those of priority, and set my tasks for the day ahead. There’s nothing like a good checklist to feel productive in a workday. I like to block my day into two halves—pre-lunch and post lunch. I organize the tasks I will do in each half of the day around any meetings I have. I prefer the old-fashioned way, handwriting my daily tasks in a diary so I can get the satisfaction of ticking things off.

10.00 AM

My morning usually consists of following up with tasks worked on the day before and any outstanding activities that I didn’t finish off. I love the routine of having meetings scattered throughout my day, I find it helps switch my brain to a different gear and keeps things interesting! 

Here I am catching up with my manager to seek his feedback on some tasks I’ve been working on recently. We’ve been supporting a road maintenance team in New Zealand to record the processes they follow to ensure alignment with the wider business. Here we are talking through the activities I’ve been working on before we take them back to the team to seek their feedback.

Catching up with my manager

12.00 PM

By the time 12.00 pm rolls around, I’m ready for lunch! Lunch time usually consists of going down the street to grab something yum (or heating up lunch from home if I’ve been organized enough) and then chatting with colleagues or even ducking out for a quick walk if the weather is nice.

1.00 PM

An hour later, it’s time to get back to my to-do list for the day. At the moment, I’ve got a few projects on the go. One of these is looking at vehicle emissions in my business sector to help identify opportunities to reduce emissions through vehicle replacement, behavior change, or innovation. Today I worked through the data in our system to record the fuel use and emissions from trucks across a couple of projects in New Zealand. 

Afternoons usually consist of a couple of meetings with interstate colleagues and working on projects in between. My current graduate rotation is quite unique in allowing me to support numerous projects across Australia and New Zealand! It’s pretty awesome getting to learn from so many different professionals!


5.00 PM 

By 5pm I’m wrapping up work for the day and having a look at what’s on the agenda for tomorrow. It’s been a busy day and I’m ready to unwind with some good tunes on my journey home.

6.00 PM 

Once I get home, I pull up one of the TikTok recipes I’d saved earlier in the week and cook dinner before getting some movement in for the day.

7.00 PM 

Today I’m feeling motivated, so I’ve booked myself in for a restorative yoga class. It’s the best way to unwind after a productive day. I just have to be careful not to fall asleep from being so relaxed!

8.15 PM

Once I’m home from yoga, it’s time to chill out for the rest of the night. For me, this usually involves curling up with a book and a peppermint tea before another day at the office again tomorrow!

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