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Fuse Recruitment

  • < 100 employees

Jennifer Lee Forday

Every day, I'm assigned different tasks, and I make it a point to tackle each one unless it's part of an ongoing project. I enjoy the variety, it keeps things interesting and gives me opportunities to learn new things along the way! 

6.30 AM 

It’s time to wake up! I get out of bed and get dressed for the day. Then, I pop the kettle open to prepare tea, my travel mug and breakfast. While eating breakfast, I keep myself occupied by playing mobile games or scrolling through social media.  

7.00 AM

After finishing breakfast and brewing my tea, I take care of brushing my hair, teeth, and other little tasks before heading to work. When it comes to choosing my outfit, I like to play around with different pieces, but in the end, I go with whatever feels right and matches the weather! 

7.30 AM 

With my lunch packed and tea in hand, I commute to work by car, and the journey typically takes me 30 to 45 minutes, occasionally extending to an hour if traffic is heavy. 

8.30 AM 

When I arrive at work, I greet my colleagues and treat myself to another cup of tea! Afterward, I power up my computer to check for urgent emails, any pending tasks, or scheduled meetings. I then catch up with my mentor to get briefed on the day ahead. 

12.00 PM 

For lunch, I usually find a spot to sit and chat with coworkers, although some days I might just chill on my own. It's nice to mix it up and catch up with everyone during the break. 

2.00 PM  

Every day, I'm assigned different tasks, and I make it a point to tackle each one unless it's part of an ongoing project. I enjoy the variety, it keeps things interesting and gives me opportunities to learn new things along the way! 

4.30 PM  

Time to head home! Before I leave, I make an effort to say goodbye to everyone I see. It's a nice way to wrap up the day! 

6.00 PM 

After work and depending on the day, I like to mix things up by either going shopping, hitting up my martial arts training, or just kicking back and relaxing at home. 

11.00 PM

I wind down and head to bed. Before calling it a night, I like to cozy up with a good book, it's my go-to way to relax and unwind before drifting off to sleep. 


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