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Application Process & Interviews at AECOM

8.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 170 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Personally, I experienced an atypical interview process (missing 2 members of the board), so it felt slightly rushed, but had all the content I needed to know and still answered my questions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
Interviews and assessments were pretty standard and fine. I would say the process is extremely drawn out eg applied in June, did all assessments and then didn't find out until the October. I was offered three jobs within that time whilst waiting for AECOM's response (note: this was for an undergrad role in 2020 which rolled into a grad role).
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
I was initially hired as an intern and was then subsequently offered a graduate position at the end of my internship. I had to complete a short behavioral assessment, an online and then an in-person interview before receiving my offer.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
The Graduate recruitment is a multi-step process, involving psychometric testing, online based behavioural assessment (one way interview), then a group assessment and one on one interview. This was all online as it was during COVID, but I felt that the recruiters were all very supportive and understanding of the process.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
I came through the undergraduate program, so I did not go through the graduate entry process many others would have.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
Extremely lengthy and I was emailed and told I didn't get the job initially. I was called back a couple of days later and told I got the job. Overall the interview process took over 2 months. This was for an undergrad position.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
The interview process was friendly, encouraging and overall, a great experience
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Aug 2024
I skipped all of the regular assessments and only had an interview as I was known by staff before I applied. I received an interview within a week of asking and got an offer within a week after that.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 15 Aug 2024
The process was professional but very drawn out.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Aug 2024
Online assessment and interview with workgroup manager
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2024
Interview process was relatively simple not excessively lengthy, and all tasks had a clear purpose.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Aug 2024
Perfect with no issues it is fair and simple
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
The graduate recruitment program was arduous. There were so many hoops to jump through and so many tests to take (including a 4 hour virtual workshop). In my opinion, it required too many personal hours to be taken to complete, particularly considering it was during uni exam season. It actually made me less inclined to take the job.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Recruitment process at AECOM was very enjoyable. The online assessments, online interview and assessment Centre where fantastic.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Efficient and friendly interviewers and hiring process was easy to follow.
Graduate, Cairns - 30 Jul 2024
The interview process was straightforward and favorable compared to other companies I had applied to. It started with an online application, followed by an informal phone interview where I discussed my background/experience and interest in applying. After that, I completed an online assessment (numerical and literacy). Unfortunately, I didn't pass the assessment, but received a phone call to discuss more before I was allowed the opportunity to have a face-to-face interview, which was conducted as a video interview in my case.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Initial screening, game assessment, one way video interviews, group assessments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
The interview was done well with a brief discussion on the expectations and how the company works.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
The hiring process was good! The psychometric was interesting and the interview process was really fast. I chose AECOM in the end because they were my first grad role offer.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Pretty typical for a larger company process. Online application and some online testing to get through to a combined group/ individual interview. group interview wasn't too bad just seeing how people interact with others in a team. During the process they took you aside for your individual interview with your prospective team leads.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
About my studies, clubs, background knowledge pertaining to the role, interests, etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
Team Working and conflict management/ Interests and passions/Technical and communications Skills/ Why I applied/What I liked about the company and what I was hoping to gain from my experiences there
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
It's been a while, very generic entry level questions along the lines of tell me a bit about yourself, tell me about why you want to work at the company, tell me about a time you've worked in a team and tell me about your organizational skills or questions to that effect. Bare in mind this was the internship interview - the grad level questions seem more challenging by all reports.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
The interview questions were mainly focused on how I work in a team. I was asked to describe myself, my skills and my studies, but the interview was very casual conversation.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
In my undergraduate entry process, I was told the questions were similar to that in the graduate entry process. These included asking about challenges I faced in different environments, and how I responded to them, whether I would do things differently, and other similar behavioral questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
University work general inquiries. Interests outside of work. What I wanted from a career.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
Studio subjects,Preferred classes / content, Skills / hobbies / experiences
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Aug 2024
What area civil engineering interests you? How have you positively contributed to culture in your previous job? What kind of work ethic will you bring to the office?
Graduate, Rockhampton - 15 Aug 2024
If I can join in Aecom, what should I do at the first month?
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Aug 2024
I don't specifically remember, probably more about how I would work with other members of a team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Aug 2024
Great questions about my previous experience and how I would solve hypothetical issues.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
In person questions included that I enjoyed at uni, how I would deal with specific situations, generally about myself (hobbies, age etc).
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
They are generic behavioral and motivational type questions. Maybe a few technical questions depending on what role you are applying for.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Why AECOM, what do you want to pursue, what do you know about AECOM's values
Graduate, Cairns - 30 Jul 2024
Can you tell us about yourself and your background? Why are you interested in this position? Experience in project management, Teamwork, Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you managed it?
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Some questions on my past work, and how I would deal with general situations.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
Previous experience Study background Expectations and responsibilities with my role. professional interests in the energy team.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
General questions about my technical background, my uni experience and my approach to problem solving.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
I was mainly asked questions about myself - Why I wanted to work here? What were my career goals, next steps in life? Most of the questions were about how you'd fit in with your team and a collaborative environment. At the end I was asked a few technical questions which they referred to the resume about my current experiences what I've done in Uni and past work.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
What challenges have I experienced and how did I overcome them.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
The people interviewing you will be your peers. They will be happier working with someone competent, but also easy to get along with. Try not to act too tense during your interview, or they may think that you could buckle under pressure. But, don't act too relaxed, you don't want to give the impression you aren't taking things seriously. Take your time answering questions, and let the interviewer know where your knowledge is strong and weak.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
Research some projects,Come with questions about team structure, reporting and office attendance, Ask about day to day tasks, Ask about opportunities to develop your Interests
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
Be yourself, be confident and don't over think it. The intern level interviews don't expect you to have any previous experience, they're looking for people who are keen to learn and will fit with the team well.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
In the interview, come prepared with your examples where you have worked well in a team, as well as situations where things may have not necessarily gone well and how you responded to it.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
Be yourself.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
Attitude and communication are key, knowledge if the company should be specific to the team / region you're applying to
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Aug 2024
Be curious. Ask questions about culture and what makes AECOM different from similar multinational engineering consultancies.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 15 Aug 2024
Aside from preparing and practicing answers to typical questions, be someone that people would want to work with and would add to any team you join.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Aug 2024
Be yourself, polite and professional.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Aug 2024
Prepare for the roll you applied for have some questions to ask both formally to the interviewer and also some informal questions as you might get to chat to a current grad.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Aug 2024
Just be yourself and get lots of sleep so you can be fully prepped.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
Relax. It is more important to demonstrate that you are a good team player, rather than that you know all the answers all the time. let other team members speak and build on their ideas.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Ensure you can articulate your university learning into real-life achievements. This is important at AECOM because you will be working on big projects and it is important that you can express your value while working on them. Another thing is ensure you have exceptional team-work skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Understand AECOM's values and current strategies and see how they align with what you want to pursue
Graduate, Cairns - 30 Jul 2024
My advice is to stay persistent if you’re passionate about a company and the role. I applied to my current company for a previous year’s intake while still studying and wasn’t successful. However, I decided to apply again the following year. During the interview, I emphasized my dedication by mentioning my previous application, which the interviewers appreciated. To prepare, research potential interview questions and practice your responses. Remember, these answers should come naturally since they are based on your personal experiences. Also, make sure to ask an insightful question during the interview to show your genuine interest.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Be confident with yourself, and have a couple of stories in hand that apply for all situational questions they may ask.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
Be open to understand the requirements of the role and learning the required skills throughout the role they take up
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
Be yourself and don't stress too much.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Tips would be finding AECOM at your University careers day if you have access to them. Talk to the representatives there and make yourself known and of your interest in applying. They might then pass of your name or to look out for you when you apply online. When in the interviews genuinely have and interest into the role you applied for it's easier to talk about and engage in the interview. Also, people may suspect if this isn't really the role you want.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
I feel like letting your personality through is really important - you want to add to the company culture.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024